
Life Centre for Autism and Child Development offer a variety of facilities to support children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families to reach their full potential. Our facilities include:

  • Classrooms: We have classrooms to mee the specific needs of children with autism. These classrooms are equipped with specialized furniture, sensory materials, and technology to help children learn and thrive.
  • Therapeutic rooms: We have therapeutic rooms where children can receive individual or group therapy. These rooms are be equipped with specialized equipment, such as swings, beanbags, and mats, to help children with autism relax and focus.
  • Sensory rooms: We have sensory rooms where children can experience different sensory stimuli in a safe and controlled environment. These rooms are equipped with features such as lights, music, and textures that can help children with autism regulate their sensory system.
  • Playgrounds: We have playgrounds designed to be safe and stimulating for children with autism. Our playgrounds have features such as swings, slides and sandpits that can help children develop their motor skills and social skills.
  • Outdoor spaces: We have outdoor spaces where children can play and socialize. Our outdoor spaces are equipped with features such as swings, slides, and sandboxes to help children develop their motor skills and social skills.
  • Parenting resources: We have resources for parents of children with autism. These resources include support groups, counseling, and educational materials.
  • Private Consultation Rooms: These rooms offer a private space for therapists and families to discuss treatment plans, progress, and concerns related to the child’s therapy.
  • Therapy Equipment: We have various equipment and tools specific to different therapies, and fine motor skill materials.
  • Counseling Rooms: We have private counseling rooms to facilitate one-on-one sessions with licensed therapists.

Contact us today or visit our centre to learn more about our facilities and how that can make a positive difference in your child’s life.

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