Play Therapy

What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is a specialized form of therapeutic intervention that utilizes play to engage with children and address their emotional, psychological, and developmental challenges. Children naturally communicate through play, and this play therapy for autism allows them to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and non-threatening environment.

Types of Play Therapy

  • Directive Play Therapy: In directive play therapy, the therapist takes a more active role in guiding the child’s play. Through carefully selected activities and interventions, the therapist aims to help the child work through specific issues and challenges related to their disability.
  • Non-directive Play Therapy: Non-directive play therapy, also known as child-centered play therapy, grants the child greater autonomy during the play sessions. The therapist creates a nurturing and accepting space where the child is free to explore their feelings and emotions at their own pace.

Benefits Of Play Based Therapy For Autism

  • Social Skills and Improved Behavior
  • Body Awareness and Self-Control
  • Resiliency and Problem-Solving
  • Causality and Executive Functioning Competence

At Life Autism Centre, our experienced and compassionate play therapists are dedicated to tailoring each therapy session to meet the unique needs of every child we serve. We believe that through play, children can discover their innate strengths and unlock their full potential, paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Contact us today to learn more about how Play Therapy can make a positive difference in your child’s life.

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    Life Centre for Autism empowers children and families to thrive.